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How ScoreIt!™ Benefits Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Writers

Now that you’ve received your ScoreIt!™ report and you’ve reviewed who you write like, you’ll want to follow the hyperlinks to your matched authors and their titles on Goodreads. On Goodreads, you can dive into the reader reviews and synopses for each of your three matched titles and read about the published authors who share your writing style. You can also explore your matched authors’ websites and social channels for insights into their marketing strategies and how they go about engaging and retaining their fans.

The fact is that readers care about writing style! As a self-published writer, knowing who you write like provides an important, competitive short-cut to unlocking (and adopting) the keywords and phrases used by your matched authors to increase your visibility among their readers! Some KDP writers who pitch their titles to targeted audiences based on their ScoreIt!™ results are reporting higher impression and click through rates on their AMS ads.

The Goodreads’ links provided on your ScoreIt!™ report invite you to “piggy-back” on the marketing campaigns of authors who not only share a similar writing style, but who have also achieved some degree of success in the marketplace.

Keep an eye out for defining keywords and phrases that appear repeatedly for your matched titles, as these terms can improve your book’s metadata, which in turn increase your chances of being discovered by readers searching for your style of writing. Use these same keywords for your book’s ad copy and its associated keyword search terms.

If you’re a KDP writer, you know that Amazon emphasizes using carefully selected keywords consistently across both the building and the marketing of your book. Therefore, with your matched authors in mind—and their marketing data at hand—you’ll want to consider choosing “manual targeting” for your book, as this option gives you the control to enter, analyze and modify your  keywords over time.

We hope that this is helpful and we wish you the best with your book publishing and marketing efforts. Please let us know if you have any questions. Email me, Stacy Clark, at stacy@inkubate.com, if we can help!

If you haven’t yet run your ScoreIt!™ analysis, click here.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from team Inkubate!






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