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Audience ESP™ Powered by
ScoreIt!™ now includes our Audience ESP™ Keyword Report. See the keywords and phrases (metadata) that you should use in your marketing copy and search engine optimization strategy (SEO) because readers who like your style of writing are searching right now using these terms!
ScoreIt!™ shows you sales data about your top matched authors to help you gauge the size of your target audience.
ScoreIt!™ teaches writers how to communicate with an audience by providing links to top matched authors' reader reviews. See what readers like and don't like about authors you write like and how to use this information to your advantage.
ScoreIt!™ shows you 'who you write like' and how to target their audience. Published authors whose books have been listed in the NPD Bookscan™ Top 100 list over the last 10 years already have audiences that you can tap too!

Based on a comparative analysis of the writing styles of published authors within our database, your ScoreIt!™ result presents the three top commercially published titles that most closely align with your manuscript.

For each title presented, ScoreIt!™ defines how closely your manuscript aligns with these titles based upon 4 key features that have been empirically proven to be diagnostic of an author’s writing style.

Learn more about each title and its author on Goodreads.

Easily reference your saved SI™ & Audience ESP™ reports at any time so you can plan a marketing strategy to enhance your discoverability.