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ScoreIt!™ shows you how to be discovered by
the readers of top published authors who you write like
– readers already “primed" to like the way you write!

  ScoreIt! manuscript analysis shows you:

✅ Your underlying writing “style" analyzed and compared to hundreds of bestselling authors – it’s like “DNA" analysis for writers  . . .
✅ Suggested keywords* to improve your discoverability . . .

✅ The top 3 bestselling authors that  most closely share your underlying writing DNA . . .
✅ How to target your best matched author’s readers – readers who already like the way you write . . .


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*Customized metadata that you should use in your search engine optimization strategy because readers who like your style of writing are searching right now using these terms!

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  ScoreIt! instantly analyzes your manuscript to show…

Ranked keywords that readers are using to search for writers like YOU…

We scour the internet for hundreds of positive reader reviews of your top matched ScoreIt!™ author to provide you a list with dozens of ranked prominent reader keywords and phrases that can help you improve the metadata associated with your title.
You should speak the language of readers who are already predisposed to like your style of writing because you are more likely to be discovered in online searches if you do!


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  ScoreIt! Can Tell You!

This [ScoreIt!™] is gold – something every writer should be doing – It’s the big mystery that every writer wants to crack.”

— Lisa Redfern

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